Friday, October 17, 2008

Tool Time!

I puttered around the old PowerTool box and signed up for a G(golly)email account. Mair things to check. I thought this was makin’ my life easier! I like power tools, hand tools too. Do a bit o’wood working when I can spare the time fra’ a’this typing and Twittering an’ sich. I especialy like to make Stickley styled furniture. I bought up a load of unused oak library book shelves at one time and have made several nice pieces of furniture. The last was a Morris chair based on a Gustave Stickley design. I have even dreamed aboot making bagpipes. I was doing some research on this an’ talkin’ wi’ some pipemakers and they let me in on a wee secret. Bagpipes are not made! They are GROWN!!! “Hoot toots, "says I," tha, canna’ be!” “Oh, aye”, says them an’ tae prove it they gi'ed me a wee bagpipe seed (for a mickel sma’ investment, but I think t’was worth it). “Tak’ this home an’ bury it in the grou’n on a moonless nicht and water it every other day fra’ a month” says they “and soon ye will have’ yer ain bagpipe tree!!! “ Here is a photo of the wee seedy (actual size an' a bit bigger for detail). The moon’s fu’ now sae I’ll have tae wait a bit. Man, man am I exciteded.

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