I found the YouTube experience to be quite entertaining. I have used it in the past to find examples of tunes being played on the bagpipes. This time I was searching for information on haggis hunting techniques. There were quite a few clips of people running through the heather chasing the pur’ buggers aboot. This method exhibits vera pur’ technique, to say the least! Nae a haggis were ever captured. It’s stealth and cunning that does the trick! There was a wonnerfu’ an’ exceptionally rare shot of an actual haggis snagging! Tak' a squint at this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP7dKQQRTFs Wha’ a fine specimen it is tho'. Look at the color of it’s coat. Tis' Grand!
I was also vera’ surprised tae see a wee viddee of ma third cousin on my sister’s aunties side in the Yahoo viddies. His name is Brutus Wilkes Booth MacLeod. His Da was a Shakespearian actor in Glasgow. Brutus is quite the practical joker, on’y just a wee bit short on common sense an' a far sight mair on gud taste. He vidy’oed hi’sel’ climbing a ladder while wearing his kilt, an gied ever'ain an eyefu'. Maggie Cameron was the last person he tricked into holding the ladder. She was so upsetted she yanked the ladder awa' an' left Brutus dangling in the tree tops. He drapped doon expecting his kilt tae act lik' a parachute, which it didnae', an' he braked both his pegs. When the doctor removed the camera from where Miss Cameron had stowed it, all the parts of her in the viddey were gone. Ah weel! at least we hae some pictures of Brutus when he caud still smile! http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=kilt+ladder&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-809&tnr=21&vid=000170978671
I was also vera’ surprised tae see a wee viddee of ma third cousin on my sister’s aunties side in the Yahoo viddies. His name is Brutus Wilkes Booth MacLeod. His Da was a Shakespearian actor in Glasgow. Brutus is quite the practical joker, on’y just a wee bit short on common sense an' a far sight mair on gud taste. He vidy’oed hi’sel’ climbing a ladder while wearing his kilt, an gied ever'ain an eyefu'. Maggie Cameron was the last person he tricked into holding the ladder. She was so upsetted she yanked the ladder awa' an' left Brutus dangling in the tree tops. He drapped doon expecting his kilt tae act lik' a parachute, which it didnae', an' he braked both his pegs. When the doctor removed the camera from where Miss Cameron had stowed it, all the parts of her in the viddey were gone. Ah weel! at least we hae some pictures of Brutus when he caud still smile! http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=kilt+ladder&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-809&tnr=21&vid=000170978671
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