I had a sand box when I was a wee laddie. It was a grand place to play. Making castles and things. Always a place of enjoyment and magic. Someone was always leaving me surprises too! buried in the sand.
I remember Grand Da telling me aboot the auld days when he was a wee manny in the glen. They had plenty o’ Wykies then too. Wykies are wee fairy folk. They’re na dangerous or hatefu’ like bogles. They are muckle curious, tho’ an’ their main fault is they canna’ keep a secret. If they over hear a conversation they canna’ help but listen an’ should they be told a secret they fash aboot an’ can’t wait until they can tell it. Usually they will hop on a roaming Haggis an’ gae’ aroun’ the countryside tellin’ everybody they see. They will sneak up on people while they sleep and whisper it into their dreams. Ridding a Haggis is nae’ sae strange as it sounds. They are sma’ gentle creatures similar to a great rabbit, on’y mair sae. Fast as the wind they can run. They are no as common as they aince were. This is on account of their del.ici.ous flavor, which is why they are sought after and cooked up for Burns Banquets an’ sich. Haggis only mate aince a year. The sound of their mating call is quite loud and sounds like someone twisting a cat’s tail. The Heighland folk call it piobaireachd (which is pronounced: pee-brok).
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