Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Casting the first pod.......

I decided to explore all the pod-directories, but only had much success with podfeed.net. I was looking for bagpipe related poddies, no surprises there! Had quite a bit of trouble locating the RSS feeds (which brought back a lot of bad memories from and earlier thingy) . The only one which actually worked was a musical pod (Celtic music of course) which I have been able to listen to much to my coworkers delight. I can see how these pods might be useful to inform patrons on library services, but my mind always slips towards the arcane. All this talk of pods reminds me of that great auld motion picture” Invasion of the Body Snatchers”!! Wha’ a great flick! I especially liked the ending where our hero hears of all things “Amazing Grace” being played on the bagpipes! It’s nice to see someone happy tae hear bagpipes. “We’re saved” says he, “It must be the Black Watch cam’ tae rescue us frae a’ these vegetarians “ . Well………..no, not exactly. It’s just a fresh batch of pods, an’ ain’ has yer’ name on it! Sweet dreams

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