Wednesday, November 26, 2008
D’ye ken?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Moldi oldies!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Casting the first pod.......
I decided to explore all the pod-directories, but only had much success with I was looking for bagpipe related poddies, no surprises there! Had quite a bit of trouble locating the RSS feeds (which brought back a lot of bad memories from and earlier thingy) . The only one which actually worked was a musical pod (Celtic music of course) which I have been able to listen to much to my coworkers delight. I can see how these pods might be useful to inform patrons on library services, but my mind always slips towards the arcane. All this talk of pods reminds me of that great auld motion picture” Invasion of the Body Snatchers”!! Wha’ a great flick! I especially liked the ending where our hero hears of all things “Amazing Grace” being played on the bagpipes! It’s nice to see someone happy tae hear bagpipes. “We’re saved” says he, “It must be the Black Watch cam’ tae rescue us frae a’ these vegetarians “ . Well………, not exactly. It’s just a fresh batch of pods, an’ ain’ has yer’ name on it! Sweet dreams
Thursday, October 23, 2008
EtTube, Brute'????
I was also vera’ surprised tae see a wee viddee of ma third cousin on my sister’s aunties side in the Yahoo viddies. His name is Brutus Wilkes Booth MacLeod. His Da was a Shakespearian actor in Glasgow. Brutus is quite the practical joker, on’y just a wee bit short on common sense an' a far sight mair on gud taste. He vidy’oed hi’sel’ climbing a ladder while wearing his kilt, an gied ever'ain an eyefu'. Maggie Cameron was the last person he tricked into holding the ladder. She was so upsetted she yanked the ladder awa' an' left Brutus dangling in the tree tops. He drapped doon expecting his kilt tae act lik' a parachute, which it didnae', an' he braked both his pegs. When the doctor removed the camera from where Miss Cameron had stowed it, all the parts of her in the viddey were gone. Ah weel! at least we hae some pictures of Brutus when he caud still smile!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tool Time!
Oh! An' Another Thing....
All this talkin’ aboot genealogy reminds me of my Gran’da’s cousin Seamus (twice removed on his sisters’ mother’s side). One night he awoke tae an a’fu keening. He was sure it wa’ a frisky haggis crooning for a cuddle. So he tak’ his new Kodak Instamatic camera and went oot tae photograph the wee rascal. It was pit mirk an’ a moonless nicht so he aimed the Kodak at the ruckus an’ clicked the shutter. There was a general scuffle as the creature departed. When the camera spit out the photo, Seamuss realized that he had surprised a Wyckie with a sma’ set o’bagpipes. The photo is a bit fuzzy, like a’ the other famous pictures of Big Foot and Scotland’s own Nessie! So it must be the genuine article. An’ noo' it’s on the internet so it must be true!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Somebody call a Google Doc(tor)!
That I was used to drive
And hear the harness jingle
When I was man alive?"
Ay, the horses trample,
The harness jingles now;
No change though you lie under
The land you used to plow.
"Is football playing
Along the river shore,
With lads to chase the leather,
Now I stand up no more?"
Ay, the ball is flying,
The lads play heart and soul;
The goal stands up, the keeper
Stands up to keep the goal.
"Is my girl happy,
That I thought hard to leave,
And has she tired of weeping
As she lies down at eve?"
Ay, she lies down lightly,
She lies not down to weep:
Your girl is well contented.
Be still, my lad, and sleep.
"Is my friend hearty,
Now I am thin and pine,
And has he found to sleep in
A better bed than mine?"
Yes, lad, I lie easy,
I lie as lads would choose;
I cheer a dead man's sweetheart,
Never ask me whose.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mair Wykies! in the sand!
Wykie Wackie
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Abrakadabra 2.0
I don’t trust magicians. Do you?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yum! Yum! Eat'em up! Eat'em up!
All in all, I found quite tasty! Reminds me of my Granny’s haggis. Na! Na! My Ol’ Gran’s haggis was well spoke of in a’ the glen. Every Burns Banquet or Hogmany her haggis could be found in a place of honor. Anyone who knows their haggis kens tha’ a’ guid haggis is muckle hard tae find. An’ there’s little o’ it tae gay aroun’. O' Aye, Granny Maudie was said to have the roundest, firmest, jucyest haggis in all of Gretna Green...... Hey wha' yer smirkin' at! Ge' yer minds out o' tha' gutter!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tweet Tweet
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Tale of the Lost Library!
Nothing like a good Book!
Finally! Here is the promised picture of Great Grandda! He was known for being in his cups! One day he hired a cousin, Fergus, who was an accomplished piper in the croft, to play for a muckle sad occasion. They argle-bargled aboot the price and finally settled on a bottle of Granda's finest single malt. Fergus played "The Flowers of the Forest", which fitted the occasion. When he finished and asked for his pay, Granda handed him a straw and quickley left. You will notice that the picture is in winter and the ground covered with snow. Fergus was na' fool. He scooped up his frozen fortune, picked out the larger pieces of glass and invented Scotch on the Rocks!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A New Pub in Town.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Fed up with Feeding
If it was na' fa' bad luck I'd hae nane at a'! The image willna' upload.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
RSS message
Here is another interesting image of a rare Highland fetish. The Scots are a noted supersticious lot. This fetish was used before an upcoming piping competition. It is clad in the Tartan of the rival band and then perforated with a plethora of pointy objects (I find the safety pin to be quite aggressively used). This guarantees that the pipers will be afflicted with more than the usual tuning difficulties, several broken reeds, and leaky bags. The excessive number of pins in this instance will probably cause several hose to fall down and the bass drummer to trip while marching into the competition circle.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Flickr access
Playing with tradingcards
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My first performance
Monday, August 25, 2008
A truely horrifying image to any piper, unless these are made in Pakistan.
Monday, August 18, 2008
With rue my heart is laden
WITH rue my heart is laden
For golden friends I had,
For many a rose-lipt maiden
And many a lightfoot lad.
By brooks too broad for leaping
The lightfoot boys are laid;
The rose-lipt girls are sleeping
In fields where roses fade.