Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well! Finally finished, an’ wha’ a lang strange journey it hae been! Eh!. I’m glad I did it. I wanted to learn wha’ a’ the fuss was a’ aboot. I can see some usefu’ness in communicating wi’ a’ owr customers aboot programs, new items in the collection an’ a’ tha’. It would have been mair pleasant had some of the thingys worked as expected. I had the most frustrations with the RSS feedies an’ the MOLDIes. I guess ye cauld say I wa’ 2.P0ed! Which brings tae mind my dear auld Granda. I’ve mentioned him before an’ his fondness for a drap o’ the stuff. He could be found most of an e’enin at the local pub. In he would come wi, “Hey Jimmy! A pint o’yer best bitters!”. A’ the pubmen in Glasgow are called “Jimmy”. Then he’d set wi’ his cronnies crackin’ tales or playing darts. “Oh! My glass is dry!” and up frae anither. But when he cames back the games o’er or the stories finished an’ Granda’s missed the ending. Weel! Grandas’ nae fool. “I’ve twa muckle hauns an’ a right steady gait. I can bring twa glasses and ne’r spill a drap!”, says he. Besides, think how economical it will be not wasting a’ tha’ time walking back an forth. So its’ “Hey Jimmy. Twa glasses if ye please.” “Twa?” says Jimmy. “Oh aye” replies Granda. An’ so it went a’ nicht, ‘til it got tae be a regular thing. The next e’enin in cam’s Granda and Jimmy speaks Up. “ Twa pints?” “Oh, aye!”, says Granda. An sae t’was e’er after. “Twa pints?” ”Oh, aye” – “Twa pints?” ”Oh, aye” --“Twa pints?” ”Oh, aye”
D’ye ken?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Moldi oldies!

I tried the MOLDI connection and searched through their collections. Found several copies of my favorites RLS titles and a few videos (non fiction) that looked interesting. Was successful in checking them out, but when it came time to listen or view them.........nothing! It seems that most of them don't work on our Library computers! Heidi was very helpful with this predicament and suggested trying an MP3 version or just opening them at home. I
have yet to revisit them, but will give it a try.
All this reminds me of hearing the tales of great great uncle Archibald. He was known throughout the land as a devout miser. He wouldna’ spend a penny he didna’ need tae. He was the one who stood alain in the breach on Culloden moor as the Hielanders fell on either side. S‘truth they fell, but t’was from the reek. The man never bathed. Talk about moldy! Hoots Toots! When asked why he never used sic’a thing as soap, Archey answered, “I’d hae tae purchase it! An’ wha’ guds soap wi’out water and a basin tae put it in an’ a gud brush tae scrub wi’? Eh! There’s nae end tae the spendin’ when aince ye trot down that path.” By his own logic he saved all tha’ sil’er by gaing wi’out. It saved his life at Culloden for naebody would cam’ close eno’ tae strike’im. Archibald earned his livin’ as a piper, which was a wee bit risky after th’ ’45. The British so’diers were decorating a’ the trees w’pipers, but aince agin, Archies personal hygiene saved his neck. Nae’body wanted him hangin’ aboot th’ place. He was also vera’ near sighted, but as ye can guess, refused tae purchase ony specktaecles. It proved tae be his doun’ fa’. One day a wee lass gied him a wink and asked him tae cam’wi’her tae’ pipe in her village. She hinted there might be a bit o’ usquabae for him as well. Arch could ner’ resist the lassies an' was owr-fond o’ a bit o’ usquabae - sae af’ they gaes. Up spakes the lass, “Oh’ here’s the tricky bit! Let me tak’ yer pipes an’ lead ye’ across th’ burn.“ Oh, but she wa’ paukie! Her wee messin drapped a banna peel under Archies foot an’he slip’et in the burn an’ drowned! The lassie sold the pipes fra’ a gud’ bit o’sil'er, bagpipes being quite scarce a’tha’ time. Ah, weel! At least Archie finally got his bath!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Casting the first pod.......

I decided to explore all the pod-directories, but only had much success with I was looking for bagpipe related poddies, no surprises there! Had quite a bit of trouble locating the RSS feeds (which brought back a lot of bad memories from and earlier thingy) . The only one which actually worked was a musical pod (Celtic music of course) which I have been able to listen to much to my coworkers delight. I can see how these pods might be useful to inform patrons on library services, but my mind always slips towards the arcane. All this talk of pods reminds me of that great auld motion picture” Invasion of the Body Snatchers”!! Wha’ a great flick! I especially liked the ending where our hero hears of all things “Amazing Grace” being played on the bagpipes! It’s nice to see someone happy tae hear bagpipes. “We’re saved” says he, “It must be the Black Watch cam’ tae rescue us frae a’ these vegetarians “ . Well………, not exactly. It’s just a fresh batch of pods, an’ ain’ has yer’ name on it! Sweet dreams