Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flickr access

I have been exploring the Flickr site and making some Trading cards. I was surprised that it was necessary to take down the filter before gaining access. From what I saw there were no objectionable images and was wondering if we should remove the filter from blocking Flickr. What do you think?

Playing with tradingcards

I tried the Tradingcard function on Flickr and created a rather nice card. Here it is.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My first performance

This is a photo of the audience at my first bagpipe recital. My instructor, Hugh MacPherson, is the older gentleman in the middle. I had just missed a D-throw and Hugh was not well pleased.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A truely horrifying image to any piper, unless these are made in Pakistan.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A. E. Housman (1859–1936). A Shropshire Lad. 1896.

With rue my heart is laden

WITH rue my heart is laden

For golden friends I had,

For many a rose-lipt maiden

And many a lightfoot lad.

By brooks too broad for leaping

The lightfoot boys are laid;

The rose-lipt girls are sleeping

In fields where roses fade.